The Child in you

Artist in the City
2 min readJun 19, 2022

A read so therapeutical, it re-connected part of my soul
Coping mechanism, is a double edge sword-
Reconnecting it, allows me to feel more range of emotion but at my own peril?

Having read, the courage to be disliked, “the child in you” takes it in the opposite direction. Focusing on, childhood trauma, and our coping mechanisms.
I felt a deep connection to this book. People who suppress themselves a ton would too.

Growing up, with a alcoholic dad, and toxic family. I learnt to smile at all occasion. Smiling gets you out of a bad situation. Nobody notices if you cry, especially if you’re a boy.

Bottled up all your emotions, and smile.

I smile when I am sad.
I smile when I am in pain.
Smile, Work, Power pose, watch your posture!
Workout, go out get give your best again,hit with failure?
rinse and repeat.

As your mental skin and fortitude gets thicker, you learn to live with your insecurities. From many other books and speakers, I’ve also learnt other ways to improve your mindset~ but that’s not what this short reflection is about~

WHAT can i do if I don’t feel very much?

I was doubtful, and wasn’t opening myself up to the book. This short chapter, with its exercise, opened up some deep wounds. I was simply numb to all my hurt. My progression in life, have masked my pain. The shadow child as the book puts it, have always been there.

Doing the short exercise, I realize the insecurities I had, have always been there. The loneliness I feel, was always there. They weren’t rational, but they have always been by my side.

The exercise require you to slow down, and monitor, what is really inside the feeling of nothing. Peeling it off layer by layer.

I would also recommend the channel Healthy gamer!
I didn’t realize how much I was numbing myself to my emotions, but now that I feel things even more, I wonder if its that good at all…


I really like Adler’s theory and its utilization, same as I like parts of what this book says. However my pain and history is also a part of me. Some things I’ve learnt to like, and probably wouldn’t change at this point.

This book is really interesting if you’ve been through some form of bad childhood. It helped me understood my coping mechanism a lot better, as well as other methods to cope with trauma.

I still however have problem relating to the sun child. And I could barely recall any good stuff from childhood. Nevertheless this is a great book to gain more self awareness! Definitely worth a quick read!

